I. |
Anon. (ed.) 1884-1886. Sitzungs-Protokolle des ersten Internationalen Ornithologen-Congresses. Der 7. bis.11. April 1884 in Wien abgehalten wurde. Wien: Verlag des OrnithologischenVereines in Wien. 1884. Mitteilungen des Ornithologischen Vereins Wien, Bd. 8-10. |
II. |
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III. |
Oustalet, E., de Claybrooke, J. (eds.) 1901. IIIe Congrès Ornithologique International, Paris, 26 – 30 Juin 1900. Paris: Masson & Cie, xii + 503 pp. [Ornis, vol. 11]. |
IV. |
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V. |
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VI. |
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VII. |
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IX. |
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X. |
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XI. |
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XII. |
Bergmann, G., Donner, K.O., von Haartman, L. (eds.) 1960. Proceedings of the XIIth International Ornithological Congress, Helsinki, 5. – 12. VI. 1958. Helsinki: Tilgmannin Kirjapaino, 820 pp. in 2 vols. |
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XIV. |
Snow, D.W. (ed.) 1967. Proceedings of the XIVth International Ornithological Congress, Oxford, 24 – 30 July 1966. Oxford & Edinburgh: Blackwell Scientific Publications, xxiv + 405 pp.
XV. |
Voous, K.H. (ed.) 1972. Proceedings of the XVth International Ornithological Congress, The Hague, 30 August – 5 September 1970. Leiden: E.J. Brill, viii+745 pp. |
XVI. |
Frith, H.J. & Calaby, J.J. (eds.) 1976. Proceedings of the XVIth International Ornithological Congress, Canberra, 12 – 17 August 1974. Canberra: Australian Academy of Science, xviii + 765 pp. |
Nöhring, R. (ed.) 1980. Acta XVII Congressus Internationalis Ornithologici, Berlin, 5 – 11 VI. 1978. Berlin: Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft, 1463 pp. in 2 vols. |
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XIX. |
Ouellet, H. (ed.) 1988. Acta XIX Congressus Internationalis Ornithologici, Ottawa, 22 – 29 VI. 1986. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2815 pp. in 2 vols. |
XX. |
Bell, B.D., Cossee, R.O., Flux, J.E.C., Heather, B.D., Hitchmough, R.A., Robertson, C.J.R., Williams, M.J. (eds.) 1991. Acta XX Congressus Internationalis Ornithologici, Christchurch, 2 – 9 December 1990. Wellington: New Zealand Ornithological Trust Board, 2568 pp. in 4 vols. |
XXI. |
Wingfield, J., Coulson, J. (eds.) 1996. Acta XXI Congressus Internationalis Ornithologici, Vienna, 20 – 25 August 1994. British Ornithologists’ Union: 128 pp + A129 – A146 (Ibis28: 1-128). |
Adams, N., Slotow, R. (eds.) 1999. Proceedings of the 22ndInternational Ornithological Congress, Durban, 16 – 22 August 1998. Johannesburg: Birdlife South Africa, CD-rom disc (abstracts of plenaries, symposia, round table discussions, oral presentations and posters in Ostrich69: 1-496; plenary lectures in Ostrich70: 1 – 103). |
Bock, W.J., Schodde, R. (eds.) 2004. Plenary Lectures 23rdInternational Ornithological Congress, Beijing, 11 – 17 August 2002. Acta Zoologica Sinica 50: i + 880 – 1001. Plenary lectures in pdf.. |
Schodde, R. (ed.) 2006. Proceedings of the 23rdInternational Ornithological Congress, Beijing, 11 – 17 August 2002. Acta Zoologica Sinica 52: xvi + 1 – 706. Complete proceedings in pdf. |
Schodde, R., Hannon, S., Scheiffarth, G., Bairlein, F. (eds.) 2006. Abstracts of the XXIV. International Ornithological Congress, Hamburg, 2006. Journal of Ornithology 147, supplement 1: 1 – 297. |
Bairlein, F. (ed.) 2007. Proceedings 1: Plenary papers of the XXIV International Ornithological Congress, Hamburg, 2006. Journal of Ornithology 148, supplement 1: 1 – 159. |
Bairlein, F. (ed.) 2007. Proceedings 2: Symposia papers and general report of the XXIV International Ornithological Congress, Hamburg, 2006. Journal ofOrnithology148, supplement 2: 161 – 725. |
XXV. |
Wingfield, J., Edwards, S., Miyaki, C. (eds.) 2012. Proceedings of the 25thInternational Ornithological Congress, Campos do Jordão, Brazil, 22 to 28 August. Journal of Ornithology153, supplement 1: 1 – 243. |