Other Events
Asian Ornithological Conference
The First Asian Ornithological Conference “Asian Birds Share the Same Blue Sky” will be held in in Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province, China, November 9 – 11, 2021.
It is held under the auspices of the China Ornithological Society, the Zhuhai Association for Science and Technology, and the Working Group Asian Ornithology of the International Ornithologists’ Union. It is organized by Prof. Lei Fumin, President of the 1st Asian Ornithological Conference, Vice President of International Ornithologists’ Union, the Chairman of the Working Group Asian Ornithology of the International Ornithologists’ Union, and the Chairman of the 9th Committee of the China Ornithological Society.
The Vice Chairmen of the 1st Asian Ornithological Conference Prof. Zhang Zhengwang and Prof. Frank Rheindt,
The Chairman of the Academic Committee of the 1st Asian Ornithological Committee Prof. Ding Ping,
And the Hosting Convener of the 1st Asian Ornithological conference Prof. Hu Huijian.
For more information, see http://czsmeeting.bitcast.org.cn/meeting/24 or contact the organizers (in English) at aocongress_2021@vip.163.com.
ISBE2020: The International Society for Behavioral Ecology
Congress 2022 from 11 - 16 September 2022
This is a short note from the Organising Committee of ISBE2022. We trust that you and your families are safe and well during these challenging times. We recognise that the COVID situation varies among countries and can change rapidly. Australia has been both lucky and effective in managing the pandemic and we expect this to continue. As organisers of the International Society for Behavioral Ecology 2022 Congress (ISBE2022), we will take all reasonable steps to ensure a safe environment for delegates joining us in Melbourne Australia from Sunday 11 to Friday 16 September 2022.
Please find firther information here: www.isbe2022.com
Hosted by:
Pan African Ornithological Congress
A new date has been set for the Pan African Ornithological Congress for the 15-19th November 2021.
There is more information on the conference symposia here https://www.paoc15.org/list-of-symposia/
12th EOU Conference 2019
August 26 – 30, 2019
Registration: Open until 31 July 2019
The European Ornithological Union is very happy to announce that the venue of the 12th EOU Conference will be in Cluj, Romania in August 2019. Cluj will be a perfect setting for the congress as being situated in a part of Europe that has not so far hosted our conferences. This will provide us with great opportunities to experience this very beautiful region and the visit will surely be a memory for life. The EOU Congresses aim at providing opportunities for avian researchers of all fields and from all corners of Europe and beyond, to meet in a friendly atmosphere to share ideas and discuss recent results and conservation concerns.
For more information please visit: https://conference.eounion.org/2019/registration/
and the EOU homepage: https://eounion.org
American Ornithological Society 2018 Meeting
Dates:9-14 April 2018
Location:Tucson, Arizona
Contact:Crystal Ruiz, AOS Administrator 312-883-4645, AOS18AZ@gmail.com
Twitter:@AmOrnith #AOS18AZ
Conference Website:https://amornithmeeting2018.org/
Please join us for the 136th annual meeting of American Ornithology and the second annual meeting of the American Ornithological Society, to be held in Tucson, Arizona, 9-14 April 2018. Following our long legacy, this meeting once again will offer a great opportunity for sharing and discussing scientific research in all areas involving birds. The meeting will place special emphasis on research and conservation focused on our 2018 meeting theme of Celebrating Connections: Birds Across Borders.
British Ornithologists' Union BOU2017 Conference
With current rapid environmental change and increasing human pressure on ecosystems, new methods and approaches will be needed to understand how bird populations and distributions will respond in order to guide decision-makers and land managers. By exploring a range of challenges, this conference aims to 1) examine the current state-of-the-art in avian science in understanding and mitigating the threats to birds and 2) encourage a forward examination of the likely changes in bird populations and communities up to 2050. New and innovative means of studying birds will be a cross-cutting theme.
The conference will provide a unique opportunity to showcase examples of the research and science needed to address the future challenges by looking several decades ahead. It will explore a range of challenges, such as the terrestrial, coastal and marine responses to climate change, consequences of a different predator community, the impacts of invasive species, possible developments in agriculture and potential new approaches for carrying out science. Additionally, progress towards biodiversity targets will be explored. Central to the conference will be an examination of the science evidence needed to support decisions about how to maintain and restore global bird populations and communities.
For more information, please visit the conference website.